Wednesday, April 27, 2011


"Who wants to hit this bag of Cheetos with me??" I hollered after opening the package I received from my niece and nephew. It is good that they sent 2 bags as there were lots of takers. I hid a bag and kept one for sharing. Some night I just may strap the spare bag to my face and chow down.

A big thanks to H and M for the package...I got some great stuff: coffee, hand sanitizer, peanuts, some great reading material, and some candy. It was very thoughtful.

I actually got 2 packages on the same day. My family send me an Easter box, too. From them I got some homemade granola bars, artwork from the boys, a workout journal, candy, and a big ROCK!

Evidently, Kristi was on a walk with the boys and they were talking about sending me a package. Matt picked up a rock from somebody's yard and send he thought I would like it...he wanted to send it to me. Little does he know that one thing that Afghanistan has excess of is rocks. It is a pretty big rock for a little guy to carry but he carried it 3 blocks home and then picked out some wrapping paper to wrap it before sending it. I guess partway home he got tired and asked Kristi to carry it, but she told him that if he wanted to send it to me he had to carry it all the way home...after a little rest he found some energy reserves and carried it the rest of the way.

Kristi also sent me some KEEN sandals. I hate sandals and swear that it has been over 20 years since I've worn a pair. But, Kristi wants us all to have KEENs when we go on our waterpark I guess I'll give a little on my no sandal thing. I still wear the pants in the family though, even if it is pants with sandals.

Also, awhile ago...after being a crybaby about the crappy coffee here some friends from Portland sent me this wicked coffee press that fits right on top of my coffee cup. Its kind of funny looking but makes a really fine Americano...Thanks T and S!

Other than that, things are pretty boring over here. 500 insurgents escaped from jail the other know, everything is pretty boring...

I've been in the office all day every trips to the field in a while...but Sunday we're going out to make a delivery of stuff we collected to an orphanage...
I'll write more later, I have to go to the gym and work off 700 calories of Cheetos...


  1. I can partially help with burning off 700 calories...

  2. YAY! I am so glad you got your package and how fun to get two!
    The kids are so excited that you liked the "Cheetos" and are hoping that you liked their drawings and stories too. Did you see Madeline's note on the side of the box? I taped the entire thing up and then realized I hadn't included it!
